I never thought I would see the day that Greg Abbott would prove to have the biggest balls in the politics. Set aside the truth that he is just a politician protecting his own interests because that does not matter at this point in time. What matters is that this is the line. This is the line to hold. There will not be another chance. This starts here and it ends here.
Texas has decided that enough is enough. It was always going to come down to immigration as the issue. It was one that the politicians could not afford to lose. The more illegals that came through, the more diluted the Conservative vote would become. The Globalists ruined the majority of European countries. They allowed them to completely shit on their ancestors. I am sure that all of the countries that fought for their freedom were excited for all of the refugees that moved in to dilute any semblance of nationalism. In the U.S., that was the next giant to fall. Dilute the last chance of any resistance to the Globalist takeover and would be gone through peaceful invasions. Generations of public schooling and propaganda have led the U.S. to completely hate their ancestors and any real hero of the past like Robert E. Lee is demonized while a Communist, who was a sexual deviant and a plagiarizer, gets celebrated every January. The recent demonization of your ancestors came with the new Juneteenth federal holiday. First, that is a regional holiday. Second, the Emancipation Proclamation did not free anyone. I have written on that in the past. You could still buy a human in America up until January of 1866. The 13th Amendment ended slavery. All of these issues, I will elaborate on at a later date to stay on topic. This is simply to build us all up for what is to come our way here. It is a tip of the cap to a politician I despise. He showed some balls. My brother beautifully stated that it just takes one. Abbott, surprisingly, is that one.
As this progresses forward, I hope he continues to hold the line. I thought he would cower right after any pushback. The fact that the timing of this forces the puppets of Biden to think twice, makes it strategically genius. Hats off. I have no idea where this ends up, but I do know that whoever wrote the response for Abbott had me feeling like I was reading the Declaration of Independence. The only way forward for the Right is secession. If the Left was not controlled by Neo-Puritans, they would realize that they could easily have their Socialist Utopia if the Left and the Right split. I cannot help but notice that 25 states have pledged their support to Texas, making this 26 to 24. Could this end peacefully?
I always thought that the only way that we peacefully split was for it to come from the Left. They control the media. They control Hollywood. They control almost all of the wealth. They control education. They control everything. This battle will hopefully be handled with words. You can make the case for secession with morality. You can make the legal case for secession. You can make the philosophical case for it. I can even probably prove it through mathematics. It does not have to come to violence. In 1991, the fall of the Soviet Union proved that it could all end peacefully. If only Lincoln had allowed the South to leave in peace. I will do this over the next couple of weeks. I have long said here that this was the only path forward. If you follow this through to its logical endpoint, this stance can only lead to secession. Guess what else? Leave 90% of the Republicans at the federal level in D.C. We do not need them. This issue has been ignored for 24 hours for the federal government to figure out how they want to play it. This is starting to leak out as lame ass Leftists from the Democrats and the Republicans will try to force the issue by calling for them to take over the National Guard, blame the issue on Donald Trump, or downplay it by covering it up some more. Could the courage of one state lead to the tyranny of Leviathan?
The Unites States as we knew it, no longer exists. For 150 plus years, we have been living in the Lincolnian America. This was one that brainwashed the generations of Americans into believing that the South was wrong and they were traitors. To the victor go the spoils, I guess. In Jeffersonian America, which was king up to the Civil War, our states were our country. I hope this is at least the beginning of a return to that. I hope that at the very least, this is a chance to stick the middle finger up to the federal tyranny of the Leviathan State that started with Hamilton, then to Clay, to Lincoln, to TR, to Wilson, to FDR, to LBJ, and beyond have created and have nurtured from its infancy into the biggest enemy of liberty this world has ever known. The best case scenario is the split. A peaceful one would be ideal as all of the factions could still work together if need be. Where have we heard this concept before? Oh yeah. That was originally what was intended. I mean, just actually read the Constitution. Read the ratification debates. Read Early American History. The older the book, the better the history.
Alfred T. Bledsoe: Is Davis a Traitor: ...Or Was the Secession of the Confederate States a Constitutional Right Previous to the Civil War of 1861?
Ryan McMaken: Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities
Brion McClanahan: The Jeffersonian Tradition
Brion McClanahan: Southern Scribblings
Those are just a few that I have read in the past few years.
Here is an amazing five part series from Mises Institute:
The information is out there. This will get you started. I have no delusions of grandeur with this Substack. I do not have by any real metric, a massive following. I write for three reasons: that my kid would know that I at the very least did everything I could for the cause of liberty, to wave a middle finger to the Globalists, and because my friends and family seem to like my takes on issues. I like all of you. I appreciate you taking the time to read this. I will try the best I can to help provide some information about secession. I will be watching this over the next couple of weeks and I hope this goes like we want it to. If not, let the famous words of William B. Travis at the Alamo guide us forward, “Victory or Death.”