As a growing number of people realize that the media completely lies to you on a regular basis, it's important to take this one step further. It is necessary to understand that if they lie to you in real time, they lie to you about the past. They control the history of the country by taking a disinterested youth and telling them lies in their formative years. This works because generation after generation is indoctrinated into believing the same propaganda. They divide the world into Good v Evil and rob you of any nuance. It’s the work of the secular State and it’s false idol, Democracy.
I have written extensively over the War of Northern Aggression in the past, so I won't spend too long on it, but the important spin was for the victors to run a PR campaign about why they went to war. This myth is imperative for the Leviathan State. If the people knew that they sent countless bodies to stop a newly formed nation from exercising their God-given right to self-determination, the American myth would have fallen short. There will be much more about that later.
Now, we get to the absolutely stupid conclusion of the modern newly formed federal holiday, Juneteenth. The myth goes that when they made it onto Galveston Island, the last slaves were free. Not only is this regional holiday specifically a regional holiday, but it is based on a myth. As the great Brion McClanahan states,
Hereditary slavery did not end in the United States until December 6, 1865, the ratification date of the 13th Amendment. Slave auctions continued in Kentucky through November 1865, five months after slavery supposedly ended on June 19th, 1865. If the last slaves were told they were free on June 19th, then what about slaves sold into slavery AFTER that point? Would be news to them. Delaware, Kentucky, and New Jersey (all slave States in 1865) rejected the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, and slavery was legal in each State until December, six months after June 19th, 1865. By the way, Delaware, Kentucky, and New Jersey were technically all UNION States during the War, though Kentucky was a special case and could be considered a Confederate State as well. Only Mississippi rejected the 13th Amendment from the former Confederate States. That means THREE Union States and only one Confederate State rejected the amendment that ended slavery after the War. So much for the theory that the Union fought the war to free the slaves, even after Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.
As we proceed into this farce, smackdab in the middle of another reminder of how much they hate you, Pride month, it is important to realize that the holiday was propaganda on the island and it now was a holiday lifted to you by your benevolent overlords from both sides of the aisle. As you are forced to sit there and pretend to give a shit about a holiday that is completely made up, remember why they lied to you then. Remember why they lie to you now. Remember that they hate you. They despise you. Thank God that this worthless holiday falls in the summer so our kids are spared the propaganda.
As always, thank you for reading my work.